DESIGNAs long as I can remember I've had an eye for design. Color, pattern, symmetry, alignment: these things just intuitively make sense to me. It also makes sense then that even as I have pursued degrees in Art and have made a career in teaching art, that I would continue to find avenues for playing with design. The same skillset that composes with paint and brush is also responsible for composing with mouse and pixels. And surprisingly, it is often just as rewarding as my fine art. Creativity it seems, is not a respecter of labels, either high or low, fine or applied. And I for one am glad.
VIDEOSome of my favorite childhood memories were made while squinting through the view-finder of my family's shoulder-mounted VHS cam-corder. There wasn't much editing of the tape in those days, but my friends and I enjoyed countless hours storyboarding, scripting, and shooting our own short films in the exotic locations of our own backyards. It was haphazard, poorly lit, and heavily appropriated. In short, it was magical.
But here's the thing: it still is. I've had the opportunity over the last fifteen years to continue "playing" with planning, directing, filming, and editing video, now in a volunteer capacity for local non-profits. Over time the camera became smaller and the editing software more sophisticated, but through it all I've continued, almost inadvertently, to teach myself the tools simply for the enjoyment of the medium. Reliving childhood? Maybe. But what's wrong with that? (Silly) Church Videos
The following are videos I've help put together for various church series, programs, and announcements. If nothing else they demonstrate a knowledge of iMovie editing as well as the ability to tell a story while having a lot of fun ...and all with zero budget.